Giving Up Control

The title of this blog pretty much sums up the past 6-9 months of my life. I have given up doing the "logical things" and am now stepping out in faith and trusting the Lord in so many more areas of my life. Giving up the control to Him is freeing now, but the process was difficult with many sleepless nights. To begin, I resigned from my job in the spring so that I will not be returning this school year, but homeschooling. That's a big leap in itself, but Seth did the same thing in hopes that we will have our support raised prior to the end of the 2013-2014 school year. He began working at a Mexican restaurant over the summer and will be substitute teaching in the fall full time. (I will also be keeping a friends' girls during the day to bring in a little more income as well.) Those are HUGE changes for our family, but the Lord has given us the grace and the peace needed in this season. I started homeschooling 3 weeks ago to get our kids into a...