Dream with Us

"Thank you for everything, seriously. I am grateful to you for what you do. It is a great act of grace on your part. God bless you, friend." That is the message of thanks one of our guys wrote a friend of mine this week for buying his school supplies. The message of it goes for all our supporters though, because they are the reason we're able to help Edson with school supplies. Edson, a son in the faith to Seth Because of you we're able to provide love and a sense of family to kids that don't have that at home. They are able to see a healthy and happy marriage founded on Christ. They receive hugs and hear the words, "I love you," when no one else in their life tells them this. We dream of moving to the Chiquicollo community, beginning a youth and children's outreach, and planting a house church. We dream of making a bigger impact, not just in their lives but in the lives of the people around them as well. A rainy day in Chiquicollo ...