No Greater Joy

I've been quiet lately about Cruz, because if I were honest, we've hit a rough season lately. Preteen mamas, do you hear me?? He is the primary reason I'm teaching at the school I am...I didn't see any way that I could spend my day with him homeschooling. We were like two opposing magnets...such different goals and desires. What concerned (and frustrated) me the most was how had become so self centered. First day of school...great depiction of his attitude at the time. But the first week of February, he started attending Carachipampa, a Christian school that was established as a school to support the education of missionary families. The Bible is integrated in every area possible, with godly teachers and staff. Cruz has been well loved and prayed for this past month. And he has made me so incredibly proud. He's making good grades, trying to do his very best, and asking very little help from me with homework. And last week his class did a presen...