
Showing posts from November, 2011

Time Flies!

Wow! The past few weeks have felt like such a blur! What happened to the days of coming home and sitting on the patio while the kids play in the backyard? Yesterday the girls had a dentist appointment. Before we left, I was having a nervous stomach thinking back to the last time I took them. They were both terrified, and you could hardly call Lola's session a "checkup" or a "cleaning." She sat in my lap, squirming and crying. Fabulous. (Carmen is now known for using my sarcastic "fabulous"...ha!) So, yesterday I was SHOCKED at the eagerness Lola showed when she climbed up in that big chair by herself and opened wide to show off her cute little teeth! She LOVED the water squirter and asked for a little extra :-) My favorite part was that Cruz, being the sweet brother that he is, held her hand the entire time! I asked if she needed me to hold her hand, and she told me no! He did the same for Carmen, and our session with the dentist and her ...