Time Flies!

Wow! The past few weeks have felt like such a blur! What happened to the days of coming home and sitting on the patio while the kids play in the backyard? Yesterday the girls had a dentist appointment. Before we left, I was having a nervous stomach thinking back to the last time I took them. They were both terrified, and you could hardly call Lola's session a "checkup" or a "cleaning." She sat in my lap, squirming and crying. Fabulous. (Carmen is now known for using my sarcastic "fabulous"...ha!)

So, yesterday I was SHOCKED at the eagerness Lola showed when she climbed up in that big chair by herself and opened wide to show off her cute little teeth! She LOVED the water squirter and asked for a little extra :-) My favorite part was that Cruz, being the sweet brother that he is, held her hand the entire time! I asked if she needed me to hold her hand, and she told me no! He did the same for Carmen, and our session with the dentist and her assistant was a breeze! When it was over, Lola wanted to pretend to be the dentist, so Cruz climbed in the chair. I asked how his teeth looked and if it looks like he's been brushing good, and she said, "No." That girl makes me laugh. Cruz got to tell the assistant how he took the large bottle of mouthwash (that he talked her into giving him on his last visit) to school when they talked about the letter "M." I don't know about the kids you know, but our kids love some mouthwash!

So, I still get stressed out taking all three of my kids places by myself. I don't really know what I am afraid of. Maybe its that they will say something about someone that could end up hurtful to the stranger, or maybe its the fact that I know how easy it is for a tantrum to appear when things aren't going just right. (The latest triggers: I put Lola in the wrong car seat or don't let her hold her backpack when she's riding home) Is it a fear of what others will think of me as a mom when they see how busy and talkative my kids are? I don't know. But, I do have a lot more grace for other moms when they are out with their (rambunctious)kids.

I love my kids and couldn't trade them for anything. Carmen turns 4 in a few weeks. It's hard to believe it. Even though she came at 2 1/2, she's always been so grown-up. She is a girl of many talents,and loves with everything she's got. She'd make a great actress, she has really mastered the fake cry...ha.

Cruz is reading now! He got a book as a gift from my mom recently, and before I even read it with him, I heard him in his room sounding out the words, and reading it on his own! I am happy for him, but a little sad that my role as the reader in his life is diminishing little by little. He is so precious, and before long he'll often be reading to the girls at night for me.

Lola is a storyteller herself. She loves to make up her own stories, about the garbage man, a mermaid kingdom, a mean witch, whatever her 2 1/2 year old mind can think up. The best way to accomplish brushing her hair or teeth, is to tell a story about her. "Once there was girl named Lola. She had lots of tangles in her hair, but she sat still for her mom and didn't whine, and soon her hair was all pretty." It works wonders!

These babies are so precious! I can't imagine living my life without those three in it. God is so good, and I hope that when they are older and really understand their journey, they will see just how God works all things for the good for those who love Him.

*I should add, that Seth continues to be an amazing dad and husband :-) Lola's teacher asked where her dad worked and she said, "At my mama's house." And when asked what he does, she said, "He cooks. He makes us grits." He does so much more than cook, and I am so thankful to have him in my life!


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