How's My Summer Going?

Here's how it's going so far:

Traveling: Seth and I took our trip to Savannah in early June. We drove 10 hours round trip and the drive was a blast listening to The Help. Thursday afternoon we head out for our next big road trip. We will be driving to Fayetville, AR for Seth's cousin's wedding. That's another 10 hour drive, only this time its with the kids. Should be a blast too, right?

Changes: Friday our girls were adopted!!! Yea!! So, now they are officially Powells, we don't have any more social worker visits, court dates, and unfortunately we lose a lot of financial assistance. But, its great to know they are ours, and I am super happy to finally get to post pics of them online!

Thursday night I signed up to be a Mary Kay consultant. Not really something I had been planning on doing, but with the recent other changes, this could help bring in a little extra cash every month. It could also make me take better care of my skin and try out new things with make-up. If you know me, you know I typically wear the same lipstick everyday, same blush, eyeshadow, and eyeliner. Not so anymore!

Another extremely exciting change is that Seth has a new job for the fall! He interviewed and go a job at Oak Grove Middle School teaching Spanish. He has really missed teaching lately and I am so excited he is getting back into it. Those middle schoolers will love Spanish!

Hot: Oh my goodness it has been a hot summer! The kids and I hardly go outside unless the hose is in use filling the kid pool, spraying water from the slip n' slide, or spurting water from the sprinkler. We've also watched a lot more tv and movies than I would have liked due to the extreme heat. When they do play outside, they are creating adventures with each other based on the shows they watch. Carmen was standing on a stump in the backyard the other day and yelled, "Ayunate" or something like that. Apparently that is "help" in Spanish. Thank you, Dora. (Lola also told the refrigerator door,"abre" the other day so it would open for her.) The Hispanic kids of a Spanish teacher are learning their Spanish from Dora...kinda funny.

Terrible Twos: No explaination needed, but I will say there has been way too much screaming, crying, biting, and fighting in my house this summer. Sooo ready for my baby girl to get past this phase.

And, that's how my summer is going so far. How's yours?


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