Adventures of Motherhood
This morning I woke very early with a headache. Seth is out of town and Cruz wanted to sleep in the bed with me last night, so when I woke at 5:30 to a strange sound, we both woke up. I never fell back asleep, but fortunately he did. As I lay there I thought, "I'll take the kids down to the playground this morning. I can sit and relax while they play." That's not exactly at all how it ended up. I locked every door and grabbed my set of keys and was the last one out the door when it suddenly hit me. My house key is NOT on this set of keys! So, while the kids rode bikes and eventually played in the rain, I was trying to figure out how in the world we were gonna get in there (without spending a fortune on a locksmith). I called my sweet mother-in-law and she tried to encourage me and tell me what to do since she didn't have a key. I then called Seth and shared my sob story with him. I happened to text a neighbor before we left to tell her we'd be at the playground if she wanted to join us. Never heard back, so I decided to text her about the change of plans. Kristina came over within 5 minutes with a big knife and began working on the door. She was determined and within 10-15 minutes, we were in! I was crying happy tears by this point, so relieved to be in the house!
You want more stories? Okay, here goes. Today the kids and I had some friends over. (They are really more my friends than theirs, but kids make friends so quickly I can say they are our friends.) Anyways, my kids acted like they had lost their minds. I looked up and saw Carmen walking along the arm rest of our couch. (big no-no in our house!) I don't even remember what else they did at this point, but let's just say by the end of the afternoon, I needed more Tylenol!
Favorite moments today:
-Cruz discovered He absorbed so much info today about pythons and eels! I didn't even care that he didn't read for an hour today. He was learning so much! He is quickly becoming a lover of all things non-fiction.
-I read a book with the girls about a girl who didn't like her hair to be brushed and ended up with spiders in her hair, it was that bad. Afterwards, the girls and I illustrated the girl with the spiders in her hair. Carmen said, "Hey mom, can we do this when we homeschool?" I can not wait! (I think we're even going to start in July...we are all pretty excited!
-Reading blogs of other women in America who are done with the typical ways of the North American church...being comfortable and living the good life while the rest of the world is suffering through poverty and sickness. I know I am done. I do not need to spend money on a nicer phone, nicer car, better clothes, etc. while people in the world are suffering so badly. Its time for sacrificial giving, church.
-Hugging Kristina after rescuing us from being locked out...what a blessing she was to us!
-Telling the kids I want to take them to the zoo and playground tomorrow. They are so pumped!
I too easily get stressed by my kids' misbehavior or bad manners, but the truth is, I have really amazing kids. They've come a long way and are so smart, funny, and kind-hearted! We've gotta work on compassion and gratitude, but I really think the move to Bolivia will take care of a lot of that. They are awesome kids, and I am so so thankful the Lord entrusted me with them! My life would be so boring without those three.
You want more stories? Okay, here goes. Today the kids and I had some friends over. (They are really more my friends than theirs, but kids make friends so quickly I can say they are our friends.) Anyways, my kids acted like they had lost their minds. I looked up and saw Carmen walking along the arm rest of our couch. (big no-no in our house!) I don't even remember what else they did at this point, but let's just say by the end of the afternoon, I needed more Tylenol!
Favorite moments today:
-Cruz discovered He absorbed so much info today about pythons and eels! I didn't even care that he didn't read for an hour today. He was learning so much! He is quickly becoming a lover of all things non-fiction.
-I read a book with the girls about a girl who didn't like her hair to be brushed and ended up with spiders in her hair, it was that bad. Afterwards, the girls and I illustrated the girl with the spiders in her hair. Carmen said, "Hey mom, can we do this when we homeschool?" I can not wait! (I think we're even going to start in July...we are all pretty excited!
-Reading blogs of other women in America who are done with the typical ways of the North American church...being comfortable and living the good life while the rest of the world is suffering through poverty and sickness. I know I am done. I do not need to spend money on a nicer phone, nicer car, better clothes, etc. while people in the world are suffering so badly. Its time for sacrificial giving, church.
-Hugging Kristina after rescuing us from being locked out...what a blessing she was to us!
-Telling the kids I want to take them to the zoo and playground tomorrow. They are so pumped!
I too easily get stressed by my kids' misbehavior or bad manners, but the truth is, I have really amazing kids. They've come a long way and are so smart, funny, and kind-hearted! We've gotta work on compassion and gratitude, but I really think the move to Bolivia will take care of a lot of that. They are awesome kids, and I am so so thankful the Lord entrusted me with them! My life would be so boring without those three.
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