Ya'll Are Still Here?
We have been saying for a while now that we're moving to Bolivia, but we're still here in hot and humid south Mississippi. Why, you ask? Let me tell ya' :-) A lot of people don't realize that most missionaries have to raise all their own funds. And although I have commented on how inexpensive life in Bolivia is, missionaries still have many of expenses American's have in the states...education costs, health insurance, retirement savings (if a career missionary), internet (can be pricey in poorer countries), housing/rent, etc. Then there's saving for visas, furlough, airfare, etc. It adds up in a hurry, friends! We didn't start making our plans to move to Bolivia really public until about March/April of this year...trying to wait towards the end of the school year so it wasn't interfering with our teaching jobs. We needed to raise $15,000 for moving expenses (airfare, visas, housing set-up, etc.) and $4969.00 a month in pledge support. That soun...