Ya'll Are Still Here?

We have been saying for a while now that we're moving to Bolivia, but we're still here in hot and humid south Mississippi.  Why, you ask?  Let me tell ya' :-)

A lot of people don't realize that most missionaries have to raise all their own funds. And although I have commented on how inexpensive life in Bolivia is, missionaries still have many of expenses American's have in the states...education costs, health insurance, retirement savings (if a career missionary), internet (can be pricey in poorer countries), housing/rent, etc.  Then there's saving for visas, furlough, airfare, etc.  It adds up in a hurry, friends!

We didn't start making our plans to move to Bolivia really public until about March/April of this year...trying to wait towards the end of the school year so it wasn't interfering with our teaching jobs.  We needed to raise $15,000 for moving expenses (airfare, visas, housing set-up, etc.) and $4969.00 a month in pledge support.  That sounds like a huge challenge, but in these months of gradually making it more and more known, the Lord has provided the means of  64% (over $9,000) of our initial moving costs, and 29% of our pledge support. Many people also think that missionaries are funded by churches, but actually most are supported by a combination of churches and individuals/families supporting them. As of right now, we have one church on board to support us, Luke 4:18 Fellowship in Mobile pastored by Bro. Fred Wolfe. He was my pastor growing up at Cottage Hill Baptist, and is now my parents' pastor at Luke 4:18 Fellowship, a wonderful church family. We also have a mix of friends and family already committed to supporting us monthly.  Those that are committed to giving monthly and are giving right now are helping us work towards our moving costs (that $15,000).

What are we doing right now?  I am at home homeschooling our three while also keeping a friends' twin girls during the week. Seth is substitute teaching. We're trying to sell our house.  And, we're working on connecting with others... friends, family, pastors, etc. to build partnerships for ministry in Bolivia.  We know the Lord will supply the 70% in monthly pledge support that we still need.  We are confident that we'll have the $15,000 we need to make the move.  Our goal is to have our funding in place by February 28, 2014 and make the move soon after.  If you feel like He wants you to be a part of what we're about to jump into, please join our support team!

What will we do when we get there?  I will continue homeschooling and also go to language school for a few months.  (Yes, the wife of a Spanish teacher still needs to learn Spanish...)  I'll help with the kids club outreach and look for ways to get our kids making friends and involved in the community to build relationships and get to know the culture.  Seth will work as a short-term missions coordinator for the team of missionaries in Cochabamba.  He will be involved in a variety of projects while mentoring under Joe Holman, a pastor and missionary friend there.

Seth at Kids Club

So, that's why we're still here.  I anticipated this "in between" season would be a little weird and challenging, but it has been good for me.  Its humbling (I think our income has decreased to a fourth of what it was!) and our needs are being met in ways I didn't expect, but as the body of Christ, aren't we supposed to help each other when we see the need is there?  I am so grateful to those who have kindly given us what they can, whether its veggies from their garden, bags of groceries, paying for our dinner, etc.  Life has been pretty simple lately, but I've had time to grow closer to my family and depend daily on the Lord to give us what we need.

We appreciate your prayers so much.  If you want to be a part of our support team, but don't feel you have the means right now, I encourage you to ask the Lord to make a way or show you how you can do it.


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