
Showing posts from September, 2013

The Move Before the Move

You might have noticed my recent interest in minimalism.  I thought if I become more like a minimalist, this approaching move would be easier.  Just to give you an idea of what my version of minimalism looks like, my kids' bedrooms (when clean, ha!) have a bed and a small dresser with a lamp and very little of anything else.  Whatever else they have (toys/dress up clothes) is in their closet with their pretty basic wardrobe. My living room has one couch, a chest that holds our small tv/dvd player and wii. We also have a quilt rack in here.  Besides a few things on the walls, that was all we had in our living room. I won't tell you about every room in our house, but you get the idea.  We only have what we need and like.  Anything else gets thrown away, sold, or given away. This is a far cry from our newlywed selves!  The more stuff the better, we though!  Not so these days.  Craigslist and I are very familiar with each other :-) So although ...