School Daze, House Hunting (again!), and My People

*Written in May...posted very late! While I'm not feeling so well tonight (I think Lola and I caught a virus at school), I thought I'd try a little writing/updating. Seth's playing the Wii with the equivalent of our Bolivian son, and the kids are in bed after our traditional Friday night family movie. I better get some writing in before this Tylenol p.m. kicks in! About a month and a half ago, a friend at church approached Seth and I about the possibility of teaching at his small Christian school. We actually had looked into sending our kids there for this year last November, but realized with tuition, transportation, and supplies, we couldn't do it. But if I taught there, our expenses would be covered. So, we decided I should go for it. Homeschooling has been fun, but my social and active kiddos needed the outlet that school provides and their spanish will be incredible a year or two from now. (They have an English class several times...