Bolivian Birthdays

*Written June 12th. I'm late in posting this.

I haven't written in such a long time, there are so many things I could write about, but tonight, the day after my birthday, I'm choosing to write about birthdays.  I forgot what my birthday was like last year, but a friend of mine helped me remember.  Our family was still staying at the guesthouse living out of suitcases, and we had a team from the states there that we were working with. We were having internet problems at the house that day and ran out of water, a common problem in a guest house when there are lots of people taking showers every day.  The day wasn't very eventful, and sadly I don't even remember if I got a cake!

This year I had work (English teacher at a small Christian school) on my birthday.  It wasn't just any day at school though, it was the day of the English Fair.  So, my day there was really fun, but a lot of work and somewhat stressful.  I was trying to make sure everyone showed up and did their part and that my classes presented their information well.  We did get to leave early, once it wrapped up around 12:30, so I went home and rested a bit while the kids played and Seth baked a cake.  Our friend Gabo came over and helped Seth cook dinner, one of my absolute favorite things, pique macho.  Its a mixture of meat, hot dog, onion, bell pepper, tomato, fries, and all of that with ketchup and may on top.  Its delicious and very filling!

So, after I stuffed myself on pique macho, the doorbell started ringing with friends arriving.  These friends were a combination of Seth's Bible study group and our teen boys.  The girls that came started to work in the kitchen, popping popcorn and making topings for banana splits (we introduced them to this a month or so ago and it was a huge hit.  Who doesn't love a good banana split?).  Then everyone filled up the kitchen and one by one, they said words of love and encouragement to me and our friend Marie Esther, who shares the same birthday.  Everyone spoke in Spanish, so I understood about 85% of the words they said, but it brought so much joy to my heart to hear their words of love!   I wish I had recorded all of them just to listen to it on days where I feel discouraged and useless.  These guys are so gifted at speaking heart-felt words of love.

We ate and visited, some playing cards, others playing "Preguntas" or "Questions" on their phones, but all in all it was a great party.  The kids got to stay up late (one a school night!) and even got to drink Coke.  I know I'm getting old (Seth reminded me only 7 more years til my 40th), but if all my future Bolivian birthdays are anything like this one, I honestly can't wait!  The hugs, kisses, quality time, and words full of love make birthdays a day to cherish and thank God for the blessing of friends when your family is far away.


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