
I recently wrote about the youngest Powell and a week ago my middle, Carmen, had her birthday, so I'll talk about her today. So, here goes! Where do I begin? Right now, Carm, your favorite things include: flowers, coloring, dresses, sparkly things, pretending, and playing outside. You have such a diverse personality...sometimes you can be Negative Nancy and find the most pessimistic outlook in the most positive of situations! But then other times you're so helpful and understanding of your circumstances. And then a lot of the time, you're just plain silly! We've told you as long as you've been a Powell that your name means "song." Wow, we had no idea that telling you that would turn you into the little songbird that you are! You are often singing, "Cristo, puede mover montes, solo Dios puede salvar, Mi Dios puede salvar," but then sometimes you randomly sing songs we haven't heard since we lived in the US! You have an amazing...