
I recently wrote about the youngest Powell and a week ago my middle, Carmen, had her birthday, so I'll talk about her today. So, here goes!

Where do I begin?  Right now, Carm, your favorite things include: flowers, coloring, dresses, sparkly things, pretending, and playing outside.  You have such a diverse personality...sometimes you can be Negative Nancy and find the most pessimistic outlook in the most positive of situations!  But then other times you're so helpful and understanding of your circumstances.  And then a lot of the time, you're just plain silly!

We've told you as long as you've been a Powell that your name means "song."  Wow, we had no idea that telling you that would turn you into the little songbird that you are!  You are often singing, "Cristo, puede mover montes, solo Dios puede salvar, Mi Dios puede salvar," but then sometimes you randomly sing songs we haven't heard since we lived in the US!  You have an amazing memory when it comes to song lyrics. And while we're on the topic of music, I probably need to sign you up for dance classes at some point. Although your dad still has some moves, you're like me in terms of dancing...honey, the only thing you do is twirl, and twirl A LOT!  But, you're a beautiful twirler ;-)

Like your daddy, you LOVE food! You'll try just about anything, and even lie that you like it, although your face tells us otherwise...its really cute.  Your favorite things to eat are ice cream (Globos), chicken, mashed potatoes, french fries, pizza...the typical things kids love.  Your favorite restaraunt is Paprika's, although I think you've only been there once.  But, since at the time it was my favorite restraunt, its now yours.  You like to be like me in as many ways as possible, its very sweet.

Some of my favorite things about you: your thoughtfulness, joy in helping and serving, and your generosity.  Today your dad asked you if you'd fix him a glass of coke and he said you would have thought he gave you a bunny!  You are always wanting to help us cook, set the table, make my bed, turn on or off the water pump, water the plants...I could go on and on! 

 And your had a birthday Saturday and sharing your gifts with your siblings was just a given for you.  Cruz is making bracelets with your loom, Lola is toting around one of your purses, and its not an issue with you at all.  I love that about you!

Carmen, I know the Lord has good plans for you.  You think of others so much, and thinking of others is such a great way to share the love of Jesus.  Generosity is also a natural outpouring of Christians as we are grateful for all that Christ has done for us.  I pray that "God may give you the Spirit of wisdom and of revelation in the knowledge of him, having the eyes of your heart enlightened, that you may know what is the hope to which he has called you, what are the riches of his glorious inheritance in the saints, and what is the immeasurable greatness of his power toward us who believe, according to the working of his great might that he worked in Christ when he raised him from the dead and seated him at the right hand in the heavenly places." (Eph. 1:17-20)  I love you, Carm.  It is such an honor to get to be your Mom! 


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