
Yesterday while Seth was buying our groceries for the week at the market, I took the girls to Panchita's (the closest thing we have to McDonald's here...but a Bolivian version with chicken being the main meat.) to play on their playground.  As they were playing I realized there are things about them at this age that I will forget in a few years and I need to be writing them down.  So, tonight I'll start with Lola, or L.B.

Lola, you are so full of life at this age.  You've heard me say it enough, that you even tell people that old people love you, and its true.  You have the cutest "Bolivian grandmother" at church, a tiny little lady with short, curly grey hair that lights up every time she sees you.  You hug each other and she holds your little face in her hands and talks to you (in Spanish). You just look up at her wrinkled, kind face and smile at her.  You also have a special connection with the beggars here. When you see one, you immediately start doing your own begging, and I always dig down in my pocket or purse to get you a coin.  You don't just give them money like other people, but you get on their level (the ground) and hug them.  I watched you do this last Saturday, and I saw the old woman turn around and smile at you three times after you walked away.  You made her day. You know the beggars so well, that sometimes you try impersonating them in public places...a little embarrassing, ha!

You also have an AMAZING British accent right now.  I don't know if its from all the times you've watched Nanny McPhee (your favorite movie) or what, but its pretty impressive, kid.  You love making videos on the ipad, my favorite ones recently involve you giving a tour of our home and another where you're making something with play-doh using your British accent.  You're pretty much adorable. If Disney knew about you, you'd probably have your own show by now, girlie.

But, you still know how to drive your mama crazy ;-)  You know that song that says, "Whatever Lola wants, Lola gets?" I think you think that it applies to you...nope.  Your fits are less and less often, but they are still around, usually when I make you take a nap or something like that.  But, I still love you.

You are such a girly-girl.  Sometimes you pick your own outfits and I think, "Wow!" she has style!  Today you laid out your outfit for church, one of your favorite dresses, its blue on top, but flows out at the bottom with polka dots.  You picked your jean jacket to go with it along with a blue bow that perfectly matched it.  That's my girl!  Now, go help your big sister out ;-)

I love watching you interact with "our boys"...the five teen guys that we're teaching about Christ.  I love the joy on your face as your ride on their backs or talk them into playing "pesca."  You bring so much laughter and silliness into our home!  But, you're so smart.  Homeschooling you is pretty easy most days (when you feel like working), and you're soaking in God's word in our Bible study time.  This morning after we read in the book of Romans, you said, "Hey, we should do communion now!"

I could go on and on about funny things about you.  I lovingly refer to you as "sister" often.  For example, I might say, "You better not touch that, sister!"  You're such a mess, but in a good way. I can't imagine my life without you in it. I am so glad I get to be your mom and watch you continue to grow in maturity, creativity, and beauty.  I love you, L.B.!


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