The Powell's Favorite and Not-So Favorite Things

Here's a few things we love...

1. Hugs-We are big huggers :-) Cruz was telling one of my coworkers' son bye when we left school the first week, so he yelled, "Hey, dude!" and ran over and gave him a hug.

2. Sleep-Our girls actually slept til almost 8:30 this morning! It helped that we kept them up til nearly 10 last night, but its nice having kids and a dog that like to sleep in a little later on the weekend. Our rabbit, on the other hand...

3. Decorating-Seth and I love walking down the pillow, curtain, mirror, and picture type aisles in stores! We might not be able to buy anything, but we love to dream and talk about what we'd like to do.

4. Eating-The kids wake up asking, "What's for breakfast?" before saying, "Good morning!" Then, after having eaten dinner, an hour or so later they will ask, "Have we eaten dinner?" hoping that we haven't so they can eat again! I promise we do feed them well :-)

5. Reading-I am so glad Cruz is learning to read! They love looking at books and trying to "read" it based on what they remember me reading. I prefer Karen Kingsbury books, Seth would rather read mysteries.

Not Favorite Things
1. Brushing Teeth or Hair for Kids under 2 years old-no explaination needed!

2. Leaving-Leaving a party or any place the kids consider really fun, is never pretty. Lola loses the ability to stand up and walk and falls to the ground and Cruz just might shed tears if he's tired enough.

3. Potty Training-Cruz seemed to take FOREVER. Carmen learned pretty quickly from her teacher when in the 2 year old class. Lola-couldn't care less if she's in pull-ups forever. No hurry...ugh!

4. Getting on "Yellow." Cruz and Carmen get on colors every day at school. When one of them gets on yellow, they get no t.v. shows or movies when they get home. Let's just say that one of our kids is almost always green and one is very often yellow :-) It's hard being a good princess all the time.

5. My Cooking-The other day I made Shepherd's Pie when Seth was working. I browned ground beef, then made instant mashed potatoes. I put the potatoes on the beef, sprinkled cheese on top, then warmed it to melt the cheese. Seth later informed me that I should have added seasoning. How was I supposed to know that?

What are your favorite and not-so-favorite things?


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