The Past 30 Years
So, I am nearing 30...yikes! I keeep thinking of that movie 13 Going on 30 and thinking, I want to be Thirty, Flirty, and Thriving too! These first 30 years of my life have been great. I've known Christ the last 20 years, created friendships to last the rest of my life, met the perfect marriage complement for me in Seth, and have gotten the privilege to be a mother to 3 very special children. Those are the mountain top moments in my life, the great blessings from the Lord.
But, He has also walked me through a few storms during these 30 years. As a kid, the most difficult season I ever experienced was when my best friend, Rebekah (Becky), moved away. I was devastated the day of the move. I am a little embarrased to see old pics from that day, I looked terrible! I was maybe 12 years old, braces, zits, and my face was all red and tear stained. I remember sitting on my bed and looking out the window from my bedroom, staring down the cul-de-sac at her house at the end and crying thinking, "I will never have a best friend like Becky." She moved when I was 12, but I still consider her my best friend. She now lives in Michigan, and I got the pleasure of being in her wedding almost 2 years ago. She now has a sweet baby boy, Aamin and is married to a great guy (her pastor's son) who I have gotten to know more over the years. (I met him when we were kids too, when his family visited hers in Mobile.)
The rest of my childhood was fairly easy. Becky left me a great example to try to follow and emulate, so I spent a lot of time memorizing scripture, writing in prayer journals, and sharing my faith with I babysat, kids in my class, teachers, whoever would listen! Jesus was my focus and my passion.
College was great. I grew close to a great group of girls. One, was my friend Beth. I grew up knowing her and her family from church. My sister was roomates with her sister in college, and I didn't know many other people from Mobile going to USM, so we tried to be roomates our freshman year, but it didn't work out. I still spent time with her, since she was much more outgoing than I am and she could make friends for us :-) One friend she made quickly was Emily Bearden. Emily lived in our dorm, and was a spunky, beautiful, petite red-headed dance major. She was so easy to like. She was sensitive, creative, and kind.
Over the years, Beth and Emily became best friends. I was the friend that wanted to be their best friend, but I always knew they were closer to each other than they were to me. That was okay, though. We lived together for a little while at what we called, "The Eva Street Mansion." It was no mansion, but was fine for us. We had many a' get togethers at that house.
A few years ago, Emily passed away in a car accident. It was one of those accidents you just have to throw your hands up and ask God, "Why did this happen?" But, for whatever reason, He allowed it. She was just 26 years old. She had been living in North Carolina for a few years after college. I had gone up there to visit her once, and she had come down to be in my wedding. My wedding was the last time I ever saw her. I struggled with guilt after she was gone, thinking of the times I should have called her. The last time we'd talked was around Thanksgiving and the accident was at the end of December. I now try to keep up with her parents, talking or emailing every few months, sending pics of the kids. I hear Emily in their voice and the way they talk.
Then, this past spring, I lost my Mimi at 97. If you ever met my Mimi, you probably never forgot her. She was always proud of her age, and how good she looked for her age. She was spunky too. I always wondered what life would be like without her here, and now I know. Visiting my parents isn't the same without her in her favorite chair in the corner of the living room. When I wake up in the morning there, she should be sitting at the end of the table in the kitchen sipping coffee made by my dad. She should be peeking through the blinds to see who's walking down the street. It's just not the same. The kids talk about her often, how she has gone and is in heaven with Jesus. I really miss her.
The Lord knows what each of us can handle. It's comforting to know that He never gives us more than we can handle. His word is so reassuring, knowing that we CAN do all things through Him who gives us strength, and He works all things for the good of those who love Him and are called according to His purpose. He is a good God and Father and I owe Him my focus and my love. He has blessed me so much, and I look forward to the future He has for me.
But, He has also walked me through a few storms during these 30 years. As a kid, the most difficult season I ever experienced was when my best friend, Rebekah (Becky), moved away. I was devastated the day of the move. I am a little embarrased to see old pics from that day, I looked terrible! I was maybe 12 years old, braces, zits, and my face was all red and tear stained. I remember sitting on my bed and looking out the window from my bedroom, staring down the cul-de-sac at her house at the end and crying thinking, "I will never have a best friend like Becky." She moved when I was 12, but I still consider her my best friend. She now lives in Michigan, and I got the pleasure of being in her wedding almost 2 years ago. She now has a sweet baby boy, Aamin and is married to a great guy (her pastor's son) who I have gotten to know more over the years. (I met him when we were kids too, when his family visited hers in Mobile.)
The rest of my childhood was fairly easy. Becky left me a great example to try to follow and emulate, so I spent a lot of time memorizing scripture, writing in prayer journals, and sharing my faith with I babysat, kids in my class, teachers, whoever would listen! Jesus was my focus and my passion.
College was great. I grew close to a great group of girls. One, was my friend Beth. I grew up knowing her and her family from church. My sister was roomates with her sister in college, and I didn't know many other people from Mobile going to USM, so we tried to be roomates our freshman year, but it didn't work out. I still spent time with her, since she was much more outgoing than I am and she could make friends for us :-) One friend she made quickly was Emily Bearden. Emily lived in our dorm, and was a spunky, beautiful, petite red-headed dance major. She was so easy to like. She was sensitive, creative, and kind.
Over the years, Beth and Emily became best friends. I was the friend that wanted to be their best friend, but I always knew they were closer to each other than they were to me. That was okay, though. We lived together for a little while at what we called, "The Eva Street Mansion." It was no mansion, but was fine for us. We had many a' get togethers at that house.
A few years ago, Emily passed away in a car accident. It was one of those accidents you just have to throw your hands up and ask God, "Why did this happen?" But, for whatever reason, He allowed it. She was just 26 years old. She had been living in North Carolina for a few years after college. I had gone up there to visit her once, and she had come down to be in my wedding. My wedding was the last time I ever saw her. I struggled with guilt after she was gone, thinking of the times I should have called her. The last time we'd talked was around Thanksgiving and the accident was at the end of December. I now try to keep up with her parents, talking or emailing every few months, sending pics of the kids. I hear Emily in their voice and the way they talk.
Then, this past spring, I lost my Mimi at 97. If you ever met my Mimi, you probably never forgot her. She was always proud of her age, and how good she looked for her age. She was spunky too. I always wondered what life would be like without her here, and now I know. Visiting my parents isn't the same without her in her favorite chair in the corner of the living room. When I wake up in the morning there, she should be sitting at the end of the table in the kitchen sipping coffee made by my dad. She should be peeking through the blinds to see who's walking down the street. It's just not the same. The kids talk about her often, how she has gone and is in heaven with Jesus. I really miss her.
The Lord knows what each of us can handle. It's comforting to know that He never gives us more than we can handle. His word is so reassuring, knowing that we CAN do all things through Him who gives us strength, and He works all things for the good of those who love Him and are called according to His purpose. He is a good God and Father and I owe Him my focus and my love. He has blessed me so much, and I look forward to the future He has for me.
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