The Simple Life

The title of this post sums up life for us pretty well these days.  After we sold our house at the end of September, we moved into a two bedroom apartment in Oak Grove, very close to town, but also feels like we're in the country.  Perfect for us coming from Purvis.  I never imagined what putting the 5 of us in a two bedroom would be like, but its actually working out fine.  I think the kids are working together better, now that they share a room.  Most mornings when I come out of our bedroom and check on them, they are up, beds made, room clean, and dressed (not always matching, but dressed.)  We have less stuff here, so it is easier to keep it clean.  I do miss yard work sometimes though, and often miss my dog, Bama.

Homeschooling is going well too. Cruz is usually done by 2, working on and off throughout the day and the girls get time with me in the afternoon doing the letter of the week and learning to read. Carmen is starting to show some real initiative in wanting to learn to read, and I am so proud of her.  Lola just tries to make each lesson as interesting as possible, often dragging it out with her silliness.  The highlight of their day is when they hear the screech of the school bus in the afternoon and some of their friends arrive from school to play.  At that point, we are often outside for hours, and many times they eat dinner on the front porch so they can keep hanging out with friends.  They love going on "nature walks," and Cruz is getting more freedom here, riding his bike with friends to a nearby cemetery and back.

Seth is substitute teaching while we raise support so that when we are fully supported, we can make the move then.  The goal is March when our lease is up.  So, when he gets home, we work on writing support letters, thank you cards, setting up meetings with pastors, and trying to get  together with friends and family as much as possible.  We have one vehicle, so the kids and I stay home while Seth works, and we have one cell phone.  (We worked that out by using Skype  with our wifi when we're at home so our iPad often works as a sort of "home phone.")  I get to leave the house once or twice a week, every weekend for groceries and usually the kids and I go to the library every two weeks.  When we lived in our home in Purvis this summer, I would get so antsy to get out of the house and go places, but for some reason, here time goes by so quickly, that I am very content to spend my afternoons on the steps of the front porch and don't care at all to go anywhere.

One of my goals in this season was to grow closer to my kids, and I feel like we're accomplishing that.  Life has been pretty stressful the last 6 months trying to sell the house and begin support raising, and I wasn't always a very fun or attentive mom, but now we are all getting along better.  I understand the kids' motives better and appreciate the ways they try to show me they love me. Cruz needs quality time with me, so I have to play basketball with him, go for walks, and let him stay up late watching  Cutthroat Kitchen or The Voice with me.   Carmen creates artwork for me or brings me things she thinks are beautiful like wildflowers and rocks.  (If she finds that I've thrown any of those things away, her bottom lip pokes out and I am in trouble.)  She also cleans her room without being asked and tells me "You won't believe it, Mom.  Close your eyes," as she leads me to the surprise.  :-)   Lola tells me I am beautiful and that I'm "the best mom ever."  She grabs my face with both hands and makes me look at her and tells me what she wants us to pretend.  She is usually an orphan of some kind and asks me if I will be her new Mommy.

I loved my job as a librarian, but I regret missing more times like these with my kids.  We always thought that we "needed" the double income, but we learned quickly that we needed it for our wants, but when your wants are simplified its okay if the income is less (or in our case much less!).  This season has been a bit of a roller coaster, some days really emotional, but for the most part, refreshing. I certainly wouldn't suggest these changes for everyone, but for everyone to "seek first His kingdom, and all these things will be added to you as well."  The real treasures are in heaven, and not on earth.   "Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also."  I have to remind myself of these truths often.

This simple life is fine for now, but I cannot wait to get to Bolivia and start building relationships there.  I am thankful the Lord is working in our hearts now and preparing us for the hard road ahead.  I am thankful for the relationships He is adding to our lives and the way He is strengthening ones we have had for years.  It will take all of us supporting each other, whether in the states, Bolivia, Africa, or wherever to take the hope we have in Christ to the lost while lifting each other up as partners in ministry.


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