A Few of My Favorite Things

I realized today I have so many good memories of the past few months, but some deserve the respect of not being plastered on Facebook for all to see, ya know? Some things are just good memories I don't want to forget. So, I'll write about a few things I was reminded of while scrolling through the photo album on Seth's phone tonight. Here is a shopping trip we took a few weeks ago to a market not far from where we live. This is how we buy all essentials, from pasta, rice (they scoop these from a big bag like the ones in the photo in front of Lola), toilet paper, butter, eggs, cookies, crackers, tomato paste, etc. We buy our meat now from a lady down the street, and bread from various stores in walking distance from our house. We bring big bags like the one you see us using below and fill them up with what we get (no shopping buggies here.) Do we have normal grocery stores? Yes, there are a few larger grocery stores that have everything fo...