He is most worthy of praise!

1 Chronicles 16: 23-25, "Sing to the Lord, all the earth; proclaim his salvation day after day. Declare his glory among the nations, his marvelous deeds among all peoples. For great is the Lord and most worthy of praise."
A few things I'm praising God for today...
1. The Meat for Missions fundraiser my parents did this past weekend in Mobile. Fundraisers like this are SO helpful to cover the things throughout the year that don't fit our normal budget! Let us know if you'd like to plan and execute a fundraiser for missions in Bolivia. A Newks Night, Yard Sale, 5K, etc. are just a few ideas.
2. A new church location! (I know we've posted about this already on our ministry page, but its very exciting!) We are renting a space that is welcoming, safe, and all ours! We will have the youth room open on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons for kids to play games, hang out, and bring friends to ask questions, hear the gospel, and connect with our church.
Photography by Carmen...

3. Someone is going to make a podium for FREE, and our landlord is making a stand for the projector, for FREE! Gifts from God.
4. Three more weeks of school until winter break! No, its not summer here, although most days are beautiful, sunny, and warm. And after winter break we plan to homeschool the rest of the year and take time off from teaching to give our best to our church plant/youth ministry and strengthen some academic weaknesses our kids are facing.
5. My birthday...birthdays in Bolivia are so fun! (Which is good, because they can be hard when so far from family.) You get big hugs (not the usual cheek kiss greeting) and the sweetest birthday wishes! I got so many birthday wishes from students here, and their words, very thoughtfully written in English, meant so much! I know how hard it is to put the right words into your second language! But all the birthday wishes were wonderful and brought back great memories with everyone.
6. This is already so long, but what's one more thing? This week I will start an online Bible study with my sister and ladies from Luke 4:18 Fellowship in Mobile. I'm excited to feel connected with a group of women there, something I really miss. Anyways, the Lord is so good and kind. What are you praising Him for today?


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