Grocery Shopping Fun!

What is it like shopping here?  Well, yesterday I made a list of things I needed for the next 5 days.  I had a list of meats, list of market foods, and a list of grocery store foods.  

First I went to the corner where our butcher has a shop and got 2 kilos of ground beef and 2 kilos of chicken breasts.  (She ground the meat while I waited, flies swarming around the piles of steak in front of me.)  I always get nervous when I have a large meat order, because usually while she’s in the back grinding, and old lady will come up beside me and impatiently yell, “Venda me!” (Sell to me!)  Fortunately today, although an old lady was waiting after me, it didn’t get to that point.   And my order was relatively small for us.  (Most people just stop by for the meat they need that day.) 

We love our butcher, Lucy! 

Then I walked next door to the bread store and got 5 b’s of bread (10 rolls, kind of like hamburger buns).  She went to the back and got me the freshest ones she had, right off the pan instead of the ones sitting in the glass display in front.  We're pretty regular there.  

I drove by my house to drop those off, and grabbed a market bag.  On the way, I swung by a minimercarda (small grocery) to see if they had what I needed on the grocery store list..they had one item.  So, after buying my bag of mayo, I drove to the next store, a larger super market and got a few more things.  Then I went back into the neighborhood where I shop in a market.  I parked in the shade and once inside bought sweet potatoes, lettuce, green beans, cauliflower, and tomatoes from the veggie lady that calls me “Mammita.”  (21 b's total- $3) From there I bought some oranges (12 for 5 b’s- less than a dollar) and potatoes (2 kilos for 10 b's). 

Once outside as I approached my car, a boy about 5 years old asked me if he could watch my car.  (It is a job in some areas with high traffic…you give them a few coins to make sure your car isn’t stolen or parts aren’t taken off.)  I told him I was leaving, so he said, “Te ayuda?” Can I help you?  I gave him the oranges bag and after opening the trunk, let him load my 2 bags.  I gave him some coins and an orange and thanked him for his help and he ran off happily. 

A picture from Feb. when we were in the market

Then, on the way home, I try one more minimercada, Rote, to grab the last few items I still needed, pickles and cheddar cheese. The only cheddar they have is sliced, but I figured I could make it work for my salad.  I hoped to find a cold coke zero (nowhere else I’d been previously had that), but after opening the freezer door, I find its unplugged and the drinks are all room temp.  Oh well, I didn’t really need it anyways…

All of this is within about a 20 block radius, and took about 2 hours. I could go to a large grocery store, but I’d miss out on the better meat and produce prices, and we like the relationship you build with the vendors when you are a returning customer.  

At first, grocery shopping terrified me.  All the conversation and vocabulary it required made me stressed out, but now I kind of enjoy the freedom and independence it allows me.  And it takes a load off of Seth when he does so much running around as it is to pay bills, etc.  

So that's that!  


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