How Did She Do It?

I was wondering today as I was driving home to grab a movie to return to Rameys before getting the kids from day care, how did my mom do everything she did with 3 kids? Motherhood seemed so easy for her. We all respected her and my dad, and for the most part didn't give them much trouble...or so I recall :) But I am sure there were moments much like I experience now where she must have thought, "Wow, this (errand, appointment, etc.) would be so much easier with 1 or 2 kids. With 3, it's a little bit of a nightmare." Mothers of 3+ kids should get a badge of bravery or something for the challenge they are taking on! I got an easier start, missing the whole newborn phase and some of the toddler phases. But, I have so much respect and am sort of in awe of women who have 5 or 6 kids and make it look easy. What corners are they cutting? Do they use paper plates and plastic silverware? How does the laundry get done and put away promptly? How does the mother ever get to eat sitting down? Surely someone is going to immediately say, "I need a napkin," or "Oops. I spilled my drink," or, "Can I have some more...". Mothers are unbelievably selfless. I guess I am realizing how selfish I am...I need to gain more inspiration from my Father in heaven, who knows how to keep calm while watching His children make both good and bad choices. Life is such a great adventure. I am thankful for my 3 children and my incredible husband to experience life together.


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