Long Time, No Post!

It's been a while since I've written, and to be honest, I didn't think I had anything to write about. In the meantime, Seth has become quite a blogger, so I feel like I need to get back to writing. I have been a little busy with other responsibilities and distractions in the meantime...Christmas, Cruz and Seth's birthdays, evaluation time at work, trying to learn Spanish, reading other blogs, Pinterest, etc.  But, even still, God has been revealing some things to me over the past few months.

1. I need more deep relationships in my life. Yes, Facebooking and Pinterest are fun ways to keep up with friends and share ideas, but its not at all the same as spending time with others, investing in their lives as they invest in yours. When I think back to when I was a teenager and even in college, it was common for me to ask my friends regularly things like, "Hey, how can I be praying for you?" or "So, what is God teaching you in your life right now?" but it seems lately that the deepest question I seem to be asking my friends is, "So, how are you doin?" What happened to having DEEP friendships? Fortunately, I have a wonderful husband that asks me deep, thought provoking questions, but I long to have girl friends that I can do the same for.

2. The less stuff I have, the better. I spend WAY too much time stressing over wanting a clean house. My mom and dad were a wonderful example to me of a working couple who were able to balance work, kids, and a clean house. I just can't seem to get that last part right in my own life, but I have learned to let go of things and simplify, for the sake of having less to worry with and shuffle around. We have been blessed with a wonderful house, but its on the small to medium scale. Some things just don't make sense with a small house. My kids don't need lots of toys or clothes, we don't need an abundance of serving dishes and decorative pieces crammed into cabinets. Less is best. My goal is to follow God's calling in Matthew 6:20, to store up treasures in Heaven.  My "stuff" here is temporary and insignificant to what's really important, the Kingdom of God.
3. Learning Spanish is hard. Even when you are married to a Spanish teacher and two of your kids are half-Mexican. Its just plain hard. I am seriously trying though, so maybe one of these days I'll have a post in Spanish for ya ;-) Seth and I are planning on going to Bolivia for a short trip in July so I am also learning a lot about South American culture. The differences go a lot further than just the language...for example they have a rule, "If its yellow, let it mellow. If its brown, flush it down. In the basket goes the tissue, if not you'll have an issue." I discovered this rule when learning about a Missionary family in Bolivia. Across from their apartment is a field where people go to burn their toilet paper. Wow, we have it so good in America even in areas as simple as bathroom procedures! I have never been outside of the US (except for the 1 day in Canada on a mission trip with the BSU in college) so this trip is going to be life changing. I think I will learn a lot from the Bolivians and have a better appreciation for the small things in America that I take for granted.
4. God has some great pastors in America right now trying to convince today's believers to live like the New Testament church was called to live. My own pastor, Mike Ewoldt (www.rolcweb.org) always has a great word and challenge for us, but I've also started to listed to sermons and read books from Francis Chan and David Platt.

As God continues to open my eyes to the things in me that need to be changed, I pray that I will become more of a godly woman.  I don't just want to raise good kids, I want godly kids.  To have godly kids, they need godly parents setting an example for them daily.  The other day Carmen was pretending to play "Mommy" to Lola and said, "I just can't handle this!" to Lola.  What a great reminder that instead of speaking discouraging words, I need to speak life giving words, from my loving Father. "Therefore, we do not lose heart...For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all.  So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen.  For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal."  2 Cor. 4:16-18


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