Go Blazers!

We decided to sign Cruz up for Upwards soccer this spring.  He loves to run more than anyone I know, so we thought soccer might be a good fit.  (Not to mention a good sport for a kid with a future in South America.) He has a great coach teaching him the skills he needs, but I love, love, love that she also teaches them about Christ-likeness. They pray at the end of every practice and game.

Today was the first game.  Check out these cuties after we arrived! 
All 5 of us went to his game and I immediately wished we'd invested in some foldable chairs.  Carmen's pink blanket had to suffice for the four of us.
Yes, we all four squeezed on that little blanket :-)  So, the game began and they quickly started learning things they didn't know before...stay within the white lines, stand behind it to throw the ball in, etc. It took Cruz a little while to get in the groove of things, but he got better and better!

He actually scored a goal after kicking the ball straight down the field mid-game!  We had a great time watching.  (Although Carmen asked, "Is the game over?" every time we clapped and cheered.)  She wasn't too bored though, because she told me which player on his team she thought was "very handsome."  Lola made a friend and was quoting her favorite Alvin and the Chipmunks quotes to him..."Oh yeah, bab-eh...they're real.  Rharh!" with her claws out. 
Carmen asked if I was "oppressed of" Cruz and I assured her that I was.  I was very impressed with him.  I am so proud of the boy he is becoming.  It was a fun morning, one that I didn't want to forget!  Hence, this blog :-)  I hope everyone else enjoyed the beautiful morning God gave us!


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