My Testimony

We are excited to be preparing to move to Bolivia as missionaries.  There are still some major hoops to jump through to get there, but God has graciously given us everything we need for life and godliness.  He is putting the right people in our path to encourage us and direct us to the next step of the journey and we have His wonderful promises of provision and wisdom to accomplish the tasks at hand.  There are moments where I think, "What are we doing?" and all I have to do is think about whose I am and His peace that surpasses all understanding is present.

Seth asked me to write my testimony. Writing in the format of my blog seemed less intimidating than within a "missions committee packet" to send to potential church supporters.  So, here goes!

I grew up as a quiet, sometimes mischevious middle child. My parents were good people who made church a priority.  But the Lord set two people in my life that stand out as godly examples that were used to draw me to the heart of God. One was my Mawmaw. I was so impressed with how worn her Bible was and how regularly she read or quoted God's word.  I also made a friend when I was 10 who was like no other kid I knew.  She also valued God's word in a very genuine way and lived a life that reflected that value.  I wanted to be like them, and the Lord gradually led me to adore His word as well.

God's word guided me through my teenage years, as I led in FCA, shared my faith boldly,  discipled younger girls at school, and was a leader in my youth group.  I had dreams of being a teacher, mom, and a missionary and/or pastors wife.  I wanted to be the kind of wife a pastor or missionary would desire, so purity and godliness were always goals set before me. 

College was a great learning experience as I studied to be a teacher. I got involved in the BSU and served on its leadership team, also serving as the leader of the Outreach Team my senior year.  I spent one summer as a summer missionary in Deleware working as a children's minister at a small church and directing their Vacation Bible School.  I also worked at my church during college with our children's minister and loved being involved in what God was doing in the lives of children.  I found that I really enjoyed being either behind the scenes or quietly serving alongside others.  Acts of service was and still is my main love language.

Here I am 30 years old with a wonderful husband and three precious kids. I've enjoyed 8 years working in the education profession, but in that time I have changed.  I look forward to serving the Lord as a missionary, focusing on serving the needs of others daily, and getting my children involved in the same.  Teachers can't be very outspoken about their faith, and I look forward to letting my faith be at the forefront of my life again.  Nothing is more important than loving God and making Him known among the nations. 


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