Confessions of a Busy Mom

There's a few things I am going to confess here, that I am sure others can relate to. Working and parenting 3 very active preschool age kids is a crazy life, but I love it. I think I am a good mom, but as you read below, I am far from perfect :)

1. The tooth fairy has been late in our much as a week. Who has cash on them anymore anyways?

2. I make all my kids eat veggies with their dinner, but I usually don't eat much (if any) with mine.

3. I don't mop as often as I should. I will leave it at that :)

4. My kids don't always clean up their room before they go to bed.

5. For me to "cook" dinner means hotdogs and applesauce, or maybe fish sticks and fries (with a veggie side of course).

6. Some days the kids stay at day care until 5:30 so I can come home and clean the house.

7. As much as I wish it were, my vehicle is rarely nice and clean. And don't ever look under the car seats...there's no telling what you will find!

8. I am a little bit glad the girls bite their nails...I feel like I am ALWAYS needing to trim Cruz's!

9.I am fortunate that Dora and Diego offers to babysit every now and then.

10. I have convinced my kids that occasionally its "cool" to sleep in the outfit they will wear the next day.

Well, that's enough confessing for one night friends! I have some great kids and love getting to be their mom, no matter how challenging it can be at times.


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