Preschool Graduation

So, my sweet Cruz graduated Thursday night. It was also the end-of-the-year program for some of the other classes at Yellowbrick Daycare. I will start with Carmen and her class. She was looking so pretty in a white dress with green polka dots. We didn't give her any advice on how to behave on stage, assuming she would be ready since they went to the church earlier in the week for practice. When her class stood across the stage she was right next to her best friend Cameron, maybe not the best placement. As they were singing, Carmen started stepping closer and closer to the microphone about 2 feet in front of her. Then she was leaning her head up to it singing as loud as possible. Well, Cameron noticed Carmen was hogging the mic so she started pushing Carmen out of the way to get a little mic time. They were hilarious singing out trying to be heard on the mic while all the other kids stood perfectly in the line across the stage singing quietly. Carmen's green bow was dangling from her hair, and by the time she got her certificate, it had fallen to the floor. (Cameron got it for her before they left the stage)

Cruz was a pefect little firstborn on stage, his hands and arms straight by his sides. ("straight as a popsicle stick" as he told me) He sang every song and gave out a wink or two during the performance. He was super cute in his yellow cap and gown with his sweet nearly toothless smile.

Two year old Lola was quite a little socialite at the graduation. Before it began she was slipping out of our row to see the lady that makes lunch at the daycare, her "best friend" Elizabeth who is 7, her teacher, and her friend Briar.

We were glad to have Mom, Mrs. Gale, Mandy and Maddox, and Hope there to celebrate with us.

I am so thankful for such a wonderful daycare. It feels like we leave our kids with family, and not a daycare. When I dropped them off the next morning, I heard that Carmen was the talk of the daycare and they all think she has a future in music or movies as she loved the stage. We plan on signing her up for dance when she turns 4, so we'll see how that goes :) Maybe Cruz will have a future in ministry, as he is my compassionate, prayerful leader, and Lola...well she might need to work in the food industry. My baby girl loves to eat! Whatever they do, they will be Powells, so they will have fun and eat good while they do it :)


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