The Tale of Smokey the Rabbit

My siblings and I had a pet rabbit when we were growing up in Mobile. My memories of Cinnimon the lop eared rabbit are of him sitting in his cage, eating, and using the litter box. We rarely held him, and I know that at least once he bit Melanie pretty badly. He was definetely cute, but didn't have a great personality to go with his cuteness, so we were okay when he finally left our home to go to another.

In April, we brought a Flemish giant rabbit into our family. Smokey could not be any more different than ol' Cinnamon. Smokey licks my hands and face, follows me around the house and yard, and encourages me to keep petting him...with my hand or foot, whatever is nearby at the time. He is good with my kids, letting Cruz and Carmen carry him around. Smokey even lets us hold him cradled like a baby while we rub his belly.

With that said, last night I had never been more mad at my dog Bama. Bama and Smokey have gotten along fine. Smokey licks Bamas feet, follows him, and jumps up beside him on the couch. Bama sort of ignores him, and only acknowledges him when he is getting attention, and Bama nudges him away jealously. Well, last night Bama was snacking on Smokey's rabbit food when Smokey came along to get a little food. All of a sudden we heard a loud ruckus going on in the corner of the living room, Smokey squealing, Bama growling. Smokey ran behind the couch, Seth ran in, grabbed Bama, and threw him into the backyard. When we finally got Smokey to come out from behind the couch, he was so scared. He had blood on his cheek and one of his eyes was obviously hurt. He looked so pitiful, and his usual curious self didn't want to eat, drink, or hop around. He slept in our bathroom and we hardly heard a sound all night. (Normally we hear him snacking or drinking water) I took him to the vet at 7:30 this morning and cried to the girl at the desk telling her what happened.

I had no idea that after having a pet for a month I could love it so much! I think Smokey is going to be okay after this incident. We will have to watch them more closely when food is around, and keep Smokey's food out of Bama's reach. We heard that flemish giants are the most gentle breed of rabbit, and it is the truth. Long live Smokey!

Below is a picture of a flemish giant I found online. These things can get HUGE, but I think Smokey will be a smaller one.


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